Outreach US - Katheryn Komae

 Katheryn Komae has been serving the Lord as a lay leader and pastor’s wife since 1972.  Besides being based and ministering out of Catalyst Christian Community, she is presently committed to ministering, training, and equipping.  Much of the training focus has been on an integrated approach to removing hindrance unto an intimate relationship with God (Yahweh), one another, and fullness of life through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

She is the Founder and Director for the Intensive Prayer Ministry or “IPM – First Love.”   The ministry team focuses on 6 expanding modules which include forgiveness, inner healing, breaking ungodly soul ties, replacing ungodly beliefs and relational patterns with godly ones, and freedom from unhealthy generational patterns.

Katheryn is also a Co-Founder and Leader of a group called, “Paniym.” Paniym is a Hebrew word which means, faces.  The name alludes to the desire to walk face to face in intimate relationship with God (Yahweh).  A group desiring to grow into maturity as sons/daughters (Eph 4:13), kings, and priests (1 Peter 2:9, Rev 1:6) of God (Yahwah).

With a passion for Jesus (Yeshua), she has answered the call (kaleo) to join in this great harvest.  Her ministry involves impassioned local and international believers to be set free to reach the world for Christ. 

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